The homestead is just getting started.
Gardening, chickens, sheep, oh my!!
This past week we celebrated one year on our property and I realized that we never did an introductory blog post on us or our dreams, goals and ambitions. So, a year later, here we are. We are Ashleigh and Daniel. We want to bring you along with us as a we embark on a new adventure that we have planned, imagined and cultivated for many years. We hope to share our growing knowledge about self-sustainable living and serve as inspiration for you to take the leap, too.
Daniel and I began getting into homesteading, unknowingly, about 6 years ago when we started tending to a small garden in the back yard of our rented Oregon Duplex. Our friends and family referred to it as our secret garden and I began to reminisce about the simpler way that I wanted to live. I began to bake, hot water bath can and seeking locally sourced items. We cherished it and had a great desire to expand and grow that dream and vision bigger and bigger.
Now, we are learning how to be chicken farmers, sheep shepherds, orchard caretakers, pasture maintainers and continue to raise a thriving garden to share with our friends and family each year. We are definitely in the learning stage, making mistakes and learning from those mistakes and we plan to take you along on that journey here at Wing & Wool as we learn, grown and evolve.